Seahorse Committee


The Seahorse Committee

Here are the current committee members. The committee is elected each year by members at the Annual General Meeting on the last Friday of each May.

We are a very active committee. 6 to 12 of us meet each month, on a Friday one week before our Social Meeting, i.e. the second-last Friday of the month, except December, when it is not held.

The committee meeting is usually well-attended and it runs for about 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the amount to be discussed. Reports from office-holders are presented, and recent news and correspondence, future events, forward planning and any other pertinent issues are discussed.

All Seahorse members are entitled and are encouraged to attend the Committee Meetings. These are held in our usual meeting place, starting at about 7:45pm on the second last Friday of the month.

Current Committee Members: Elected in 2019

Office Bearers:

Noelene [132]
Member since 1987.

Karen [710]
Member since 2007.

Rosemary [210]
Member since 1971.

Treasurer & Membership:
Karen [710]
Member since 2007.

Operational Committee Members:

Dianna [197]
Member since 2018.

Magazine Editor:
Jamie [885]
Member since 2016.

Open [?]
Member since ?.

Event Organiser:
Noelene [132]
Member since 1987.

Ordinary Committee Members:

Yvonne [1168]
Member since 2018.

Open [?]
Member since ?.

Open [?]
Member since ?.

Carolyn [276]
Member since 1993.

Pru [1039]
Member since 2014.