Seahorse Library Catalog


Seahorse Library

The Library of the Seahorse Society is available at Social Meetings.

Our library of resources is slowly growing. We now have over 200 books, magazines, DVDs and documents for Seahorse Society members to borrow. Our range of topics is also expanding, with new makeup, fashion and self-help titles added recently, as well as new books and documents specifically related to cross-dressing and transgender issues. If any members have recommendations of books they have read or heard of, please feel free to email us the name and author of the book to and we will look into acquiring the book for the library.

Current List of books, magazines and videos

This is now stored as a pdf file. Here is the current list.

Borrowing from the Library at Social Meetings

  1. At Social Meetings come and see our librarian and she will provide you with a list of the library collection (see above). Make your selections and the librarian will find the books for you and book them out in your name (maximum 3 books per month).
  2. Return the books at the next Social Meeting and select some more.
  3. If you cannot make the next Social Meeting to return the books, please email a member of the Committee to advise the librarian that you will not return the books on time and advise when they will be returned.
  4. Damaged and lost books will have to be paid for.

Any questions or requests can be made to the Librarian or member of the Committee.

Country members borrowing by mail

For country members and those members who cannot attend Social Meetings, but still would like to borrow books:

  1. Read the full list of the collection above.
  2. Select titles to borrow.
  3. Email the Librarian or member of the Committee with your selections and delivery details.
  4. Librarian will advise postage costs based on size and weight of books.
  5. Books will be sent through Australia Post after the next Social Meeting.
  6. Books are to be sent via return post to the Society, including an unused post satchel (to replace the satchel used to send it out to you)
  7. Cost of postage each way:
  8. Small books and magazines(up to 500g) - $6.00
  9. Large books (up to 3kg) - $10.30
  10. Cost to users of this service - return postage - $12.00 or $20.60